The Effects of Water Quality in Irrigated Agriculture

The effects of Water Quality in Irrigated Agriculture – By Allan Huysamen (Technical Manager – Adjuvants) Introduction Water is an excellent solvent for polar molecules and charged species, including simple inorganic anions and cations. Consequently, when water interacts with mineral deposits, soils, rocks or organic material, species are solubilised within the water, defining the water’s […]
Difference between well-drained and poorly drained soils in macadamia production

Difference between wel-drained and poory drained soils in macadamia production – By Gareth Glasspool Soil Scientist Soil characteristics impact crop growth and developmentSoil classification plays a huge role in the development and eventual success of a macadamia orchard. Soil classification refers to the examination of the soil’s physical properties and the classification thereof according to […]
PICKLOGGER™ is a game changer

PICKLOGGER™ is a game changer – By Albert Bijker and Erald Smith PICKLOGGER™ is a game-changing device that helps farmers and their stakeholders to identify and manage various factors that affect the yields of hand-harvested crops. By recording and logging data points during harvesting, PICKLOGGER™ makes it possible for farmers to produce yield maps, giving […]
How your avocado orchard benefits from carbohydrate analyses

How your avocado orchard benefits from carbohydrate analyses – By Dr Elmi Lötze (Head of ITEST™CARBOHYDRATES and ITEST™LEAF) and Wilmé Brown (Plant Physiologist), Agri Technovation Carbohydrates as physiological indicator of plant status The use of carbohydrate analyses to study plant performance is an established practice in the research environment (Wolstenholm, 1987; Whiley et al., 1988; […]
Blue Gold: Let’s start digging

Blue Gold: Let’s start digging – By Hestia Pienaar – Senior Agronomist (Grains and Vegetables) Responsible and efficient irrigation A satellite remote sensing study conducted by the WRC reported that 1 334 562 hectares were actively irrigated in South Africa during 2015. The agricultural industry is under constant pressure to account for the allocation of […]